Bullet Journal
A bullet journal is a journal where you create something unique to you and your goals. Here's why Habbi loves hers.
"I like that it's quite freeform in function.
Just write down what you're thinking. Don't overthink it."
– Habbi
Habbi picked up the bullet journal in 2022 and her approach to it is discussed in episode 40. She mentions how she likes how it's unstructured compared to online systems that send out notifications. It requires intentionality to set up plans and schedules, and sometimes it's the perfect antidote to everything else.
"A bullet journal isn’t something you buy already templated. Instead, you purchase a blank or dot grid journal and create something unique to you and your goals (from here). The Bullet Journal method’s mission is to help us become mindful about how we spend our two most valuable resources in life: our time and our energy (from The Bullet Journal Method).
@itshabbi sooo far from perfect but soooo satisfying 📖✨ already full of ideas on how to set up the next one #bulletjournal
♬ Sunny Day - Ted Fresco
Additional resources:
- Book: The Bullet Journal Method
- Habbi's journal: Tsuki ‘Sakura Journey’ Limited Edition Bullet Journal