MWW48: A Devotion to the Life I Want

Habbi and Hailley talk about how they set up their intention for a whole year and then how they keep it present in their daily lives. Routines play a big part, and spoiler alert – it involves their Notion Daily Journals.

00:01:34 2023 Reflection

Habbi reflects on her theme of the year: 🌳 2023, Year of Investing. Hailley went back to goal-tracking, and this year, she focused on identity-based goals. Even from different approaches, they both really finessed their systems this year.

00:34:01 Using Annual Planning to Set up Intentional Time Management

Habbi and Hailley deep dive into their daily journals, which is how they do daily check-ins on what they set out to do each year as a part of their annual planning. This has become a treasured routine for both hosts.

01:03:48 Memo

Hailley and Habbi are both more active on Threads; they’d love to connect with listeners there.

01:07:16 Shout Outs

Shoutout to the listeners who shared their wonderful submissions about their theme of the year last time. If you'd like to share yours for 2024, you can email

A thank you as always to Jan, who mixes the audio of this podcast — check out his work at