MWW 36: A Cup of Tea and a Long Chat

Habbi and Hailley finally get to share a secret project they’ve been working on with someone they both admire, and a subject they haven’t had the chance to talk about for two years finally resurfaces...with templates!
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In This Episode
00:00:29 Follow up
00:30:06 Travel
01:19:44 Podcast mentorship series
01:40:52 Shout outs
*Timestamps may vary slightly based on the ads you hear.
America Needs ‘Y’all’
5 Love Languages
Jacqueline Jensen: A Comprehensive Guide to Getting the Most From a Virtual Assistant
Preview of Hailley’s Christmas document
Habbi’s travel checklist
Hailley’s travel planning document
MWW bookshelf
Mentorship group
Mentorship group podcast
Habbi’s episode
Hailley’s episode
Habbi’s newsletter
Hailley’s blog post
Cortex episode #122
Analog(ue) episode #195
Iceland Twitter tweet
Simon’s tweet
Support the show
A big thank you to Jan Kuhn from WeAreListeners who kindly mixes the audio of this podcast.
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