MWW 26: A Taylor Swift Approach To Friends

After a very stress-inducing start to the episode, Habbi and Hailley reflect on privilege and the importance of sending the elevator back down. Both co-hosts also share recent updates about work and launch the new MakeWorkWork bookshelf. This episode is packed with resources including books about racism and a list of incredible Black creators to follow.
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In This Episode
00:10:54 Shout outs and books
00:34:22 Privilege
01:01:26 Responsibilities
01:11:17 Updates
01:28:13 Memo
The pandemic is giving people vivid, unusual dreams. Here’s why.
Maya Ealey
Fadeke Adegbuyi
Darren Buckner
Remote POC
Ivirlei Brookes video
Lindsey Peoples Wagner
We Just Will video
Black-owned bookstores in the U.S.
White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo, Michael Eric Dyson
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?, by Beverly Daniel Tatum
Me and White Supremacy, by Layla F. Saad, Robin J DiAngelo
Can’t Hurt Me, by David Goggins
Invisible Women, by Caroline Criado Perez
Northstack newsletter
Privilege checklist
Assimilation post by Maya Ealey
Equality/equity photo
Hillbilly Elegy, J. D. Vance
James Clear’s 3-2-1 newsletter
Episode 6 (choices/strategy)
Episode 7 (choices/strategy)
Episode 12 (choices/strategy)
Episode 17 (actions/habits)
Episode 19 (actions/habits)
Episode 25 (choices/strategy)
Hailley’s article on BuiltIn
Stefania Olafsdottir, CEO of Avo
Y Combinator
Paul Graham
Habbi’s public Notion
The MakeWorkWork Bookshelf
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A big thank you to Jan Kuhn from WeAreListeners who kindly mixes the audio of this podcast.
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