MWW 24: Homescreen Godmother

Habbi and Hailley go over responses from the ramekin photos and review their pandemic home screens — who needs Google Maps anymore? Beverages come up, naturally. And in some big news, the first MakeWorkWork call for recorded questions from listeners goes out! Follow the instructions in the shownotes to submit a question for a future episode.
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In This Episode
00:00:59 Follow up
00:34:17 Pandemic home screens
01:02:09 Being hard on yourself
01:14:16 Ask us anything
01:22:30 Shout outs
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Ramekin photos
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Martyn’s tea bag holder
The Unexpected Benefits Of Hydration On Productivity
Why We Sleep, by Matthew Walker
Sleep Cycle
Yale's massively popular 'happiness' course is available free online
The Happiness Project, by Gretchin Rubin
Enneagram types
25 Interior Design DIYs To Do While Stuck at Home, Mr. Kate
Penn and Teller
Episodes 13
Episode 14
Habbi old home screen screenshot page one
Habbi old home screen screenshot page two
Habbi’s home screen screenshot
The Way of Kings, by Brandon Sanderson
Habbi’s old widget screen:
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4
Habbi’s widget screen screenshot
Hailley’s home screen screenshot
Google hangouts
The Sims Mobile
Brittany Berger
What playing Sims taught me about productivity and self-care
Paperclips game
Shark Tank
Dragons Den
TikTok fancy whipped coffee
London Fog recipe
Member discussion