MWW 16: You’re The Hero Of Your Own Life

In this longest ever MakeWorkWork episode, Habbi and Hailley reveal a long list of personality test results, with one particularly shocking and traumatizing answer. The hosts also finally discuss a book that’s been mentioned several times in the past, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck and chat about the merits of book clubs.
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In This Episode
03:10 Follow up
27:45 Myers Briggs
40:13 Four Tendencies
51:49 Hogwarts houses
1:19:27 The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
1:47:27 Book clubs
The Enneagram
The Enneagram Made Easy book
Article about being an American who lives in Europe
Harry Potter and the Sacred Texts podcast
16 Personalities test
Letters behind Myers Briggs article
The Daily Stoic book
The Four Tendencies book
Gretchen Rubin
Hogwarts sorting hat by Pottermore
Harry Potter types as Enneagram article
Marie Kondo
Better Than Before book
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck book
The Make Work Work bookshelf
Ryan Holiday
Cortex podcast
CGP Grey
Rebel book club
Princess: A True Story of Life Behind the Veil in Saudi Arabia book
The Artist's Way book
The Artist’s Way workbook
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