MWW 10: Sobbing Emoji Lifestyle

We’re 10 episodes into MakeWorkWork and Habbi and Hailley are tackling a topic they both have a lot of opinions about, email. Everything from cold to warm email, plus intros and, of course, routines. This is an episode filled with the good, the bad and the ugly on email etiquette
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In This Episode
01:12 - Follow up
19:30 - MWW news
24:05 - Instapaper update
25:33 - Cold and warm emails
1:06:10 - Email routines
Habbi's previous podcasting setup
Habbi’s laptop stand
Microphone pop filter
Apple’s magic keyboard
App for what to wear: Wear Weather app
Player FM
MakeWorkWork on Spotify
Cell phone shipping box
Instapaper available in Europe
Joel Gascoigne (Hailley’s CEO)
Josh Pigford from Baremetrics
Buffer news: buying out their VC investors
What is GDPR
Hey Ladies! (The book written in email threads)
Article on making effective email introductions
Hailley’s blog post about her email system
Martyn’s replies to our tweet about email
And a big thank you to Jan Kuhn from WeAreListeners who kindly mixes the audio of this podcast.
Member discussion